The Company attaches importance to the rights of shareholders and facilitates all shareholders. Both major shareholders and minority shareholders by encouraging shareholders to exercise their rights and not infringe on the rights of shareholders, including basic rights and appropriate information, both as investors in securities and as owners of the Company. With accepted methods and standards, such as:

  • The right to buy, sell and transfer securities that they hold independently.
  • The right to receive a share of the profits from the Company.
  • The right to receive complete, adequate, timely information of the Company through easily accessible channels or by any other means.
  • Rights to shareholders' meeting Right to comment the right to participate in decision-making on important matters of the Company, such as the election of directors. Amendments to the Memorandum of Association, articles of association, including the right to question the Board of Directors regarding the Report of the Board of Directors and any other matters presented to the meeting for consideration and approval, etc.

The Company attaches great importance to holding the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders, which is held once a year. Within 4 months from the end of the Company's accounting period, the Company has taken steps to promote and facilitate the exercise of shareholders' rights. Both before the date of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders The date of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders and after the date of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders as follows.

  1. The Company gives shareholders the opportunity to propose matters that they consider important and should be included in the agenda of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders before the date of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders. Including nominating a person with knowledge, ability and suitable qualifications to be considered for election as a director of the Company.
  2. All shareholders receive information on the agenda in advance of the AGM to clearly set the agenda for the shareholders' meeting. In order for shareholders to have sufficient information to make decisions and to enable shareholders to exercise their rights to the fullest by clarifying the details of the documents that shareholders must present on the day of the meeting in order to maintain the right to attend the meeting, including the right to vote of shareholders, by announcing at least 28 days and send the complete notice of the shareholders' meeting to the shareholders at least 21 days before the scheduled AGM before the due date of the AGM in both Thai and English via the Company's website. Shareholders can also download from the Company's website.
  3. In case shareholders are unable to attend the meeting in person The Company gives shareholders the opportunity to proxy for independent directors or any person to attend the meeting on their behalf and vote on their behalf. Using any form of proxy that the Company has sent together with the notice of the meeting, the Company has prepared a proxy in the form in which shareholders can determine the direction of voting according to the form specified by the Ministry of Commerce. There are 3 types of forms: Form A, Form B and Form C, and shareholders can also download the proxy form via the Company's website.
  4. Before the commencement of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders the Chairman of the Board of Directors, who presided over the meeting, introduced the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors and the Board of Directors of the Company have informed the rules relating to the meeting in accordance with the laws and regulations of the Company, such as the opening of the meeting, voting, as well as the method of counting the votes of shareholders in each agenda. Independently make suggestions or ask questions on various agendas before voting on any agenda items for shareholders to be informed. The details in such matters are sufficient. It's not. On the agenda, shareholders have questions or questions. The Company has prepared relevant personnel to provide answers under the responsibility of the Board of Directors.
  5. At the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders, the meeting is in accordance with the agenda order, which the Company has clearly set the agenda for without adding an unannounced agenda item so that shareholders could study the information on the agenda before deciding and without any sudden changes in important information in the meeting.
  6. The Company gives shareholders the opportunity to vote on the election of directors to replace directors who have completed their term individually, the Company nominates directors for shareholders to vote on individually, and directors who complete their terms will not be present at this meeting to allow shareholders to discuss and vote independently.
  7. After the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders The Company disclosed the resolutions of the meeting with the voting results within the day following the meeting on the Company's website and prepared the minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders and forwarded them to the SET within 14 days after the meeting and published the minutes on the Company's website to ensure that shareholders are informed of the results of the meeting accurately, completely, timely and verifiable.
  8. The Company has recorded the meeting in video format and is available for distribution to interested shareholders. You can contact the Company Secretary's Office to prepare a CD to send to the requested shareholders.
  9. The Company requires that voting rights at the meeting be based on the number of shares held and has granted shareholders the right to vote on a one-per-one basis, and shareholders have an equal right to express their opinions and ask questions at the meeting.
  10. The names and positions of directors and executives who will attend the shareholders' meeting will be recorded in the minutes of the meeting. It also facilitates shareholders to ask questions and express their opinions, including recording resolutions, voting, and questions. Responses and comments of all agenda items are included in the minutes of the meeting so that shareholders can review them later.