Report Form for the Resale of Share on the Exchange
Report Form for the Resale of Shares
Subject : Report Form for the Resale of Shares
on the Exchange
Date : 20-Feb-2013
1. Result of resale repurchased shares
Resale date : 20-Feb-2013
Number of shares resold (shares) : 40,000
Highest price (THB per share) : 34.00
Lowest price (THB per share) : 32.50
Total received (THB) : 1,340,000.00
2. Number of repurchased shares which have not been resold
Number of shares repurchased which have : 4,996,900
not been resold (unit: shares)
Number of shares repurchased which have : 5.00
not been resold as % of paid-up shares
Total value of shares repurchased which : 50.66
have not been resold (THB mln.)
Due date for the resale of shares : 24-Mar-2013
The company certifies that the information contained in this report is true and
complete in all respects
Signature ___________________________
( Pol. Lt. Gen. Jarax Sangtaweep )
Chief Executive Officer
Person authorized to sign on behalf of the company
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