Inform Operating Results in Quarte1,2011_Amendment

July 25, 2011 Subject : Inform Operating Results in Quarter1,2011 (Amendment) To : Director and Manager The Stock Exchange of Thailand Attachs: 1) Financial Statement ended Q1/2011(Amendment) 2) (Reviewed Quarter-1 F/S (F45-2)) (Amendment) According to The Notification of the Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission 1022/2554 date 18/07/2554 which the company's financial statements ended March 31,2011 did not comply to record employee benefit obligation in accordance with Thai Accounting Standard No. 19 "Employee Benefits" prescribed by Accounting Standard Committee, Federation of Accounting Professions. From this the Auditor gave qualified opinions on financial statements we mention aboved. Therefore, the company would like to inform that the company already has corrected by assessing the obligations under the actuarial principles by employing a qualified actuary to assess and calculate the liabilities obligations under the employee benefits plan. The Auditor has recorded, adjusted and reviewed the financial statements for the quarter ended March 31, 2011 with qualified opinion expression. The accounting records and adjustments as mentioned in Note 19 are in compliance with generally accepted accounting principles. The adjustment of financial statements detail shown as following : Financial Statement as at March 31, 2011 Unit : Thousand Baht Before adjustment Increasing/Decreasing After adjustment ended Dec 31,2010 in Amount ended Jan 31,2011 Total shareholders' equity-net 1,016,762 (16,758) 1,000,004 Retained earnings -as reported 178,865 (16,758) 162,107 Decrease in BV per share (Baht) 0.18 Statement of comprehensive income for the three-month period ended March 31, 2011 In Thousand Baht Financial statements in which the equity method is applied/ Separate financial statements Increase in employee benefits obligation cost 670 Decrease in profit for the period (670) Decrease in earnings per share (Baht) (0.01) The Company adopted TAS 19 Employee Benefits with effect from January 1, 2011 and the effect on the financial statements is disclosed in note 19. The statements of financial position In Thousand Baht Financial statements in which the equity method is applied/ Separate financial statements Three-month period ended March 31, 2011 Defined benefits obligation at January 1, 2011 16,758 Benefits paid by the plan (594) Current service and interest costs 670 Defined benefits obligation at March 31, 2011 16,834 Please notify the shareholders and investors as deemed necessary. Respectfully Yours, (Pol.Lt.Gen. Jarax Sangtaweep) Chief Executive Officer&Vice Chairman ______________________________________________________________________