SKR Reveals Q3/2024 results swept revenue of 1,675 million baht.

SKR Reveals Q3/2024 results swept revenue of 1,675 million baht. Targeting revenue for the whole year to exceed 6,200 million baht. Focus on specialized medical institutions.
SKR Reveals Q3/24 Results with Total Revenue of Baht 1,675.19 Million An increase of 7.95% from the treatment of complicated diseases with surgery through medical institutions and specialized medical centers. The opening of emergency medical institutions, including health check-ups through mobile hospitals (Sikarin Connect), has continued to grow, along with the cooperation with the Social Security Office to test for cervical cancer, and to change the vision to support the organization's drive in accordance with ESG guidelines.
Mr. Suriyan Kojaroj, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer Sikarin Public Company Limited or SKR, a large private hospital operator. Disclosed the financial results for the third quarter of 2024 that the company had a total operating income of 1,675.19 million baht. An increase of 123.39 million baht or 7.95% from the same period of the previous year which was 1,551.80 million baht and a net profit of 243.98 million baht. This was a decrease of 8.71 million baht or 3.45% from the same period last year at 252.69 million baht
The revenue growth is due to the continuous increase in the use of services for the treatment of difficult diseases with surgery through medical institutions and specialized medical centers. Providing health check-up services in the form of mobile hospitals (Sikarin Connect) in accordance with the Healthy Thailand policy of the Social Security Office. Opening of an emergency medical institution where patients can access the diagnosis process through the Medical Laboratory Analysis Service Center and Diagnostic Radiology Center in a timely manner. In addition, difficult and complex diseases can be treated with immediate surgery. There are 24-hour specialist doctors who can treat difficult diseases with immediate surgery without referral, and most recently, the collaboration with the Social Security Office to conduct proactive health check-ups for insured persons in establishments to prevent and treat cervical cancer. With HVP detection techniques at the biomolecular level.
However, The reason for the decrease in net profit from the same period of the previous year This is due to the increase in medical treatment costs and employee expenses in preparation for the expansion of the business next year. The Company has also adjusted the organization's work guidelines to be in line with the goals of sustainable business operations in accordance with ESG guidelines with the aim of driving the organization with a new vision, which is "A Sincere guardian dedicated to fostering innovation for well-being of society with the ESG spirit". Whether it is reducing energy consumption. Maximizing water management Waste and waste management to reduce pollution, including the selection of materials and equipment used in the hospital that are environmentally friendly
"This year, the impact of the economic recession and the adjustment of the payment rate for complex treatment of difficult diseases in the DRGs group of the Social Security Office has affected the Company's profit margin. It shows that customers have confidence in the brand. Sikarin Hospital Group. The next growth and expansion will focus on upgrading medical institutions in various fields to become Centers of Excellence in the future." Mr. Suriyan said